Equality and Diversity Policy
Policy Statement
A commitment to equality is an essential part of our work because we believe that everyone has a right to have their individual needs and experiences respected and valued.
This, in turn, creates an environment where diversity is positively reflected throughout our practice and encourages the children to acknowledge and celebrate the differences of our nursery community and the world in which we live.
The nursery declares a firm belief in a policy and practice of Equal Opportunities.
We are committed to combating all forms of prejudice and eliminating all forms of unfair discrimination. It is our intention that no potential or actual nursery user, whether child, adult or member of staff, will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age or marital status.
We believe that all children, irrespective of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties or disabilities, gender or ability should have the opportunity to experience a challenging and enjoyable programme of learning and development.
In the nursery we will promote multi-cultural and special needs education through toys and equipment and adult’s active awareness of opportunities, to support and extend children’s experiences as they participate in their own culture and learn about the cultures of others.
Concepts common to all cultures will be valued and encouraged, such as music, language, games, food and clothing and we acknowledge a variety of cultural festivals. Our curriculum approach portrays that there are many ways of seeing and living in the world and our materials reflect diversity e.g. cooking, dressing up clothes, images found in books, jigsaws and visual aids all portray people positively in a wide variety of roles and cultures and disabilities. All children notice differences. This is developmentally appropriate and, by itself, not a problem.
Our aim is to help children develop positive attitudes to differences and see them as normal, familiar, acceptable and useful. All children will be encouraged to play in all areas of the nursery including the outdoor play area and to share the space provided.
We aim to help the children develop social competence, which means being able to accept the view of others, express feelings appropriately, resolve conflicts with others, care for one’s own needs and show concern for others and working co-operatively to meet a common goal. We hope that this will create an awareness of the different needs of others and encourage the children to live harmoniously as caring members of society.
Legal Framework
Human Rights Act (1998)
Equality Act (2010)
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001)
This policy was adopted at a meeting of Tiddlywinks Pre-school
Held on......................................................................
Date to be reviewed.................................................
Signed on behalf of provider.....................................
Name of signatory.....................................................
Role of signatory (chair).............................................