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Session, Fees & Funding Information


Session times & fees

Mornings 08:30am – 11:30am: Monday - Friday

Afternoons 11:50 – 14:50pm: Monday - Friday

Full day sessions 08:30am – 14:50pm

Lunch club 11:20 – 11.50, parents to provide a packed lunch

We are term-time only and follow the Five Acres Primary school calendar



Sessions will be charged at

1-2 year olds-£18.00

2-3 year olds-£17.00

3-5 year olds-£16.00

Lunch club-£2.50

Early Morning (8:00-8:30)-£4.00

After School (14:50-16:00)-£8.00

We do have a 2 session a week minimum



Invoices are issued at the end of each month and are due for payment by the 7th of the month. Fees are payable in advance.

Please note that full fees are still payable when your child is off sick or on holiday during term-time

We accept bank transfer, cheque or cash, when necessary. Bank details are on every invoice. We also accept childcare vouchers. 


We accept 30 hour funded children and parents can make an application by creating a gateway account and completing the HMRC eligibility checker on the Childcare Choices website

For more information about funding please click here

Children are entitled to 15 hours funded by Oxfordshire County Council from the term after their 3rd birthday.

We also accept 1 and 2-year-old funded places under the new working families scheme at Tiddlywinks which also apply from the term after a 2nd birthday or 9 months.

2-year-old funding is offered to families on a low income or who meet other certain criteria.


Please follow us on Facebook - Tiddlywinks Pre-School. Parents/Carers can request to join our CLOSED Facebook page where you can keep up to date with news and events.



© 2018 Tiddlywinks Preschool - Blue Magic Solutions

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